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Monday, June 25, 2012



  Ambassador Olusegun Olusola creator of Village Head Master and Founder of African Refugees Foundation,Elder statesmen ,An Ambassador of peace and member,Board of Trustees of Down Sydrome Foundation Nigeria (DSFN)has passed on to eternal glory.He died after a brief filled.

Scores of sympathizers yesterday thronged the Surulere, Lagos home of the late ace broadcaster and former envoy, Ambassador Segun Olushola, who died on Thursday evening.

  Among the early callers to the home of the Iperu-Remo born foremost dramatist are former presidential candidate of the All Nigeria People's Party of Nigeria (ANPP) and Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Deacon Gamaliel Onasande and his wife, Akran of Badagry, Wheno Aholu Meno Toyi I;  veteran actor, Dejumo Lewis; Yinka Davies,Dr.Joe Okei-Odumakin,

  Addressing journalists yesterday, the first son of the deceased, Olujimi Olusola, said his father died on Thursday, 21st of June at about 6:30pm after a brief illness in an undisclosed private hospital.

  In an interview with newsmen, Onosode described Ambassador Segun Olushola as a rare gem and a man know to be excellent in all his doings, "he was a man with many parts. He had a great heart and a humane disposition. He was always concerned about those around him and as an artist this fact was brought out very clearly in his professional life. We can therefore truly say we shall miss him. One additional point is that he was very much committed to the pursuit of excellence.

"Apart from many other public occasions which we have interacted he was very much involved with an organisation called 'Poise', an organisation designed to help those who render service to the people to comport themselves with such dignity that wherever they happen to be rendering services people will feel at home with them, and also have the satisfaction that quality service was being offered.

"It is not usual to find public figures like the late Ambassador Olushola. His pursuit of excellence, in a nutshell is a virtue that can be used to appraise just how badly or well we have done as a people. We shall definitely miss him, not only as an artist but as someone who had this commitment for the pursuit of excellence. 
  In a similar vein, Princess Adunni Adediran who quoted William Shakespare in her condolence register said "Of all the wonders I yet have seen, it seems strange that man should fear, seeing death a necessary end that will come when it will come.
Princess Adediran said "Ambassador Segun Olushola had to die like all human beings. So, I too writing this will die. May his soul rest in perfect peace. And all his good deeds be rewarded to his children. Amen.
  Ambassador E.T Okpo, my brother, colleague, senior may your soul rest in peace.

According to Daniel Gbange,the former governor of Ogun "it is so unfortunate we have lost a very old man although we would have loved to have him around much longer. He was an ambassador and someone that had given a very good account of himself. He wonderfully projected our culture all over the world; I just hope we have some people who can continue where he stopped. He can be immortalized by making sure we do most of the good things he did and I have pledged my support whenever they are ready. We still had a meeting together at the Nigeria-Finnish Embassy about six weeks ago, unfortunately, that was the last time I saw him.

Gina Adams spoke; we lost father, a member of highest reputation. We believe in him, he is a diamond, it is a great lost. in a situation like this in  Nigeria we need a great intervention.We can emulate in different way, he is worthy emulating he come contribute a lot to humanity. He serve a Nigeria government, it is a contribution to country.

Dr.Joe Okei-Odumakin told Newsmen, I was very shocked, because I spoke with him nine days along, was so shocked about the death.
He was a man of deep concern for humanity, a symbol of national unity; he served that those who stood for the truth till his seventy seven years old. He stood and died for the unity of his country, he was a courageous man and we will surely miss him.

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