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Thursday, September 20, 2012


The  Nigerian  Police Command  has observed that most of the vehicles reported as stolen are actually removed from park. To this end, has devised some strategies to help bring this ugly trend of events under control.

Members of the public are hereby advised to pay heed to the following security tips to help secure their vehicles.

Vehicle owners should endeavor to use pedal locks on vehicles while parked.

The use of car delay operation system is also recommended. The functionality of this device is capable of delaying the ignition, thereby frustrating the effort of any intruder.

The use of car tracking device which is one of the latest and most effective method in vehicular security system globally. This device which is linked on ICT network has proved to be very effective in tracking and recovery of stolen vehicles.

Car alarm system, though archaic, but can still be useful in alerting people against intruders.

Members of the public are also advised to cross check with the police, for the authenticity of any Car Tracking Agency before seeking for their services.

The Command believes that if the above measures are seriously adhered to, cases of “removal from park” and jacking with reckless abandon would be reduced to barest minimum, please.

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