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Saturday, May 25, 2013


Nigerian Breweries and African Artists’Foundation (AAF) are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the National Art Competition 2013, 10 May - 15 June 2013.

The National Art Competition (NAC) is an annual arts competition for Nigerian artists with each edition driven by pertinent themes in line with current social issues. In its five year span, the National Art Competition has showcased emerging talent in such diverse mediums as painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media, installation, and video art. With a focus on the processes of artistic creation rather than solely the end product, artists are asked to submit a proposal for an unrealized work. After hundreds of entries, twelve finalists are invited to take part in an artist retreat, where workshops by leading artists, professors, curators, and arts professionals allow finalists to flesh out the conceptual threads of their proposal and work together in a studio environment. The competition includes cash prizes totaling four million naira and provides the artists national and international exposure and exhibition opportunities.

NAC 2013’s theme is Identity: Who Do You Think You Are?, where artists are asked to interpret the topic through a conceptual embrace of artistic practices. This year’s theme examines the status of the individual in both Nigerian and global society today. At this time in Nigeria, there is an ongoing debate about the value and functionality of our national identity. Do we persist with identifying with our state or tribe of origin or have we truly embraced the community where we have made our residence?

With vast changes sweeping the nation, including urban development, rising technologies, and the evolving social climate, personal and collective cultural identity are constantly in flux. How is identity constructed and articulated? What external forces come to define our understanding of ourselves and the world around us? What is the relationship between individual identity, national identity, and their position in the face of rising globalism?

Artists of all ages and working in all mediums are encouraged to apply. The Selection Committee will be headed by Professor El Anatsui. For more information about applying and submitting the application form, please visit African Artists’ Foundation’s website at www.africanartists.org. PRIZES

First Place,2 Million Naira,Solo Exhibition at AAF, A Roundtrip and 3 Night Stay at Hilton Hotel Dubai

Winner: Outstanding Concept,1 Million Naira ,Winner: Outstanding Production,1 Million Naira,Submission dates.Call for Proposals Open 10 May 2013 ,Call for Proposals Deadline 15 June 2013.

The National Art Competition is proudly supported by Nigerian Breweries, African Artists’ Foundation and Studio 24.

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