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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Holy Spirit has always been my inspiration

 Michael Omoria ,popularly known as TB1 the Edo born Artiste

1. Your new single is called "God No Dey Lie". Tell us what inspired the song?The Holy Spirit has always been my inspiration from when I started to this day, so it wasn't like something happened or I was going through a phase and I got inspired to write the song. Frank Edwards and I were in the studio and we decided to do a new song, Frank started making the beat and  came up with the chorus and I started writing the verses,the inspiration just came like that. I can't really explain it, so I will say is the Holy Spirit who inspired me to write the song.
2. How has the response to the song being so far? "GREAT" so many good responses from different parts of the world and more are still coming. I've never gotten responses like this for my song, this has been the best ever.
3. Talk to us a bit about your musical background. When did you decide that you wanted to do music? I started rapping way back in  1998 as a secular artiste. But that changed in 2002 when I gave my heart to Christ and found out who I was and my purpose. I started writing life changing music but officially started doing music in 2006.
4. You are an independent artist in an industry where gospel music is still struggling for relevance. What are the challenges you face and how do you deal with them? Firstly I'm no longer an independent artist as I was recently signed on to 'ROCK TOWN'. Nevertheless  as an artiste both then and now, I made up my mind that I would just live my life not focused on such. This is because if I was or If I were to look at those challenges, I would be distracted from what God has called me to do. Challenges are bound to happen, so I see them as a spring board to a greater height.
5. What is your creative process like? Sometimes I write the song then take it to studio for a producer to make a beat to the song. However other times a producer makes a beat and I write a song to the beat. It's quite challenging doing all that, but I enjoy going through those processes because I know at the end I will come out with something beautiful.
6. How would you describe your sound?The symphony of life
7. Are you in the process of recording a full-length album? Yes. And it's coming out next year.
8. What other non-music projects are you involved in at the moment? Presently none I'm actively into music both on and off the scene. But in the nearest future I'm strongly looking into CHARITY.
9. What does the future hold for TB1? I Intend floating my musical company, basically great things and marry my gorgeous, wonderful, the 2nd love of my life Vee.. ;)
10. Final word for our readers? Anything is possible, believe in yourself, and believe in what you do, God believes in you.
Current songs on your playlist
Your musical influences.
Last book you read
Last movie you saw
Guilty pleasure


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